I tell you, while you might not find the events of my week exciting, I am one happy chica. Fresh paint and new carpet. Tossed a lot of things I had been holding onto not because I needed them but because I'm a pack rat. I was none to nice to my guy during the purging process, but in the end I love the spaciousness of our place now. Spent the majority of the weekend unpacking and organizing my multiple bookshelves which means little reading for me (I have
A Map of Home by Randa Jarrar and
Stealing Buddha's Dinner: A Memoir by
Bich Minh Nguyen is on hold at the library) but good news for you. I can easily find and ship books for our loan program and I'll be publishing new titles for the Prize Bucket.
Speaking of prizes, did you see you now have a second chance to win a copy of Mrs. O? Hosting a giveaway for the nonfiction title showcasing the First Lady at Color Online. Enter here and Black-Eyed Susan's. You can only win one copy.
Good time at the post office, too. Received Paula Chase Hyman's complete Del Rio High series. Stay tuned for a mega giveaway. Check back for full mail report in New Crayons' post. More good reading to be had. Check out Demetria Martinez, our Poetry Friday feature poet and read Bonnie's review of Mama Day by Gloria Naylor.
Very happy to share that this week's COLA feature was Monica Roberts from Transgriot. As Paula stated, so often when we talk about diversity, we often limit the discussion to race and gender, but Monica is a vocal advocate for transgendered people, particularly transgendered people of color. Monica challenges her readers to closely examine the intersection of race, gender and sexual orientation. At Transgriot you'll find discussions about politics, culture and matters of diversity. If you haven't been by, visit Transgriot and show Monica some love.
Earlier this week, I finally posted my CORA Diversity Roll Call response. According to Ali, my post was worth the wait. Check out the bloggers who enrich my reading experience here. Beginning with our new assignment, I'm going to random choose a participant to select a freebie from our Prize Bucket. Friends, we have a lot of books and you need to grab one. Join this week when we look at 'issue' books.
If you haven't heard, the Federal Trade Commission has issue a new policy regarding receiving books for review and requiring book bloggers to claim copies as compensation. For more information read Colleen's post at Chasing Ray, Liz's response at A Chair, A Fireplace & Tea Cozy. I've posted my response, Dear FTC: You're Invited to Book Blogging 101.
We're wrapping up Hispanic Heritage Month. Please add your recommendations to our YA and our adult fiction lists. Will update list later in the week.
Now tell me, how was your week?
Congratulations on new paint and carpet. That's always fun to have everything new and clean!
I bet you feel wonderful with the new paint and carpet, and purging and organizing bookshelves is always worth the effort. Have a good week.
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