+1 if you leave a comment why you want the volume
+2 if you are a librarian, teacher or other educator
+3 if you add Color Online or Black-Eyed Susan's to your blogroll
+3 if you add this link to your blog, twitter, Facebook or MySpace page. Leave link.
Original photographs of Michelle Obama's most iconic looks, along with commentary from fashion experts, top off this tactile visual feast. Woven together with sketches and illustration inspired by the first lady, the book reveals the story of a new era of American fashion.
Deadline to enter is October 29th. You have a second chance to win at Black-Eyed Susan's. You may only win once. Winners will be contacted via email.
+1 I'm always looking for good books to add to our school library. We are sorely in need of NEWER material about Real people
+2 I'm a Library Tech at rather small k-12 school.
+3 I'm following this blog
+3 Linked on my blog (http://mardel-rabidreader.blogspot.com/)
Oops-forgot the address - wandasissle at yahoo dot com
+1 We often use gift books as prize-drawing prizes (and this one would be hugely popular!) at events at...
+ 2 the public library where I am the teen librarian.
+ 3 shout out on my blog, Capital City Desk
AAck! Promised myself I'd learn from Mardel and include address first time. . . . Sigh. lisa dot kroll at yahoo.
It just occurred to me that while I love fashion books, the majority of the ones I have feature Caucasian women - the first ones which came to mind were the "What not to wear" series.
I'd love to read such a book featuring an African-American woman instead. Please enter me into the giveaway as well.
Marian - mdperera at hotmail dot com
I'd love to win a copy of this book. Looks delightful. Such a special lady.
Hi Susan,
I would love to win "Mrs. O." I would like to have it because "Mrs. O" is special. She is going to be in the American History books as the first African American First Lady. I love to look at what she wears. She always looks pretty and comfortable in what she chooses to wear. She is a good mother, good wife and a friend to the American community. She's awfully intelligent too.
+3You are already on my Blogroll.
+3 I have linked to you from my blog to here in the sidebar.
+3 now following on twitter and added link www.twitter.com/90dayslovingme
+1 would be wonderful to add to the collection definetely my coffee table selection!
J. Cartwright
412 Bridges Rd
Center, TX 75935
+1 What a wonderful giveaway. I just love the First Lady! She's so elegant and poised. I would love to win just to have one more thing about her in my collection! Thanks.
hmsgofita at hotmail dot com
+3 I'm a follower of this blog
+3 My Tweet: http://twitter.com/Gofita/status/5052115203
I would love to win a copy of this for my school's library. It looks like an inspiring book that will certainly be a draw for students.
+2 school librarian
+3 posted to my twitter page
+3 added Color Online to my blog roll
Mary Ann
Great Kid Books
I would love to have this book so my grandaughters can read it for its historical value birdson@roadrunner.com
I am a follower of YOURS birdson@roadrunner.com
I am s follower of yours #2 birdson@roadrunner.com
My friend loves Michelle Obama so this would make a great Christmas gift for her.
However (lol), It would be very difficult to part with such a beautifully made book. I think I'll have to keep it for myself and buy one for my friend. This would compliment any bookshelf and personal library so just hope I'm one of the lucky winners.
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