Whew, is it Sunday? I can't imaging how anyone who can say nothing much happened in a week. I had another full week. Painters were here and carpenters are coming Tuesday. My fella threatened to throw away books (hearsay!) so I rushed to donate another 90 books to the library, and did you all see my offer to send you some great titles? I'm not selling them, but I would appreciate it if you could cover the shipping costs. Don't let shipping stop you. Please, help.
Received some wonderful books in the mail. Finished
Ash by Malinda Lo (Loved it. See my short review
here) and started
A Map of the World for a book discussion at my library. After that I'm going to read
Stealing Buddah's Dinner: A Memoir by Bich Minh Nguyen for another library read though I may be in training for a new position (send good vibes, people) and therefore be unable to attend the discussion(arggggg).
Enough about me, check out what a great week we had here:
Jason Gignac won a copy of Apologies of An Apple by Maya Ganesan, a prize offered for our Summer Madness Giveaway. Jason was kind enough to allow me to republish his review for Poetry Friday. For a second opinion, read Serena's review at Savvy Verse & Wit.
Speaking of poetry, go hear Tara Betts read from her collection, Arc & Hue:
Monday, October 5, 2009 |
Time: | 7:00pm - 10:00pm |
Location: | Bar 13 |
Street: | 35 E. 13th Street, 2nd Floor |
City/Town: | New York, NY |
This week in reviews: Ana reviewed The History of The West Wing, Eva reviewed Nalo Hopkinson's, The New Moon's Arms and Tina reviewed A Devil's Kiss by Sarwat Chadda. Have you seen our Hispanic Heritage adult reading list? Stoked that author Daina Chaviano came by and commented. Would love to publish a review of her book, The Island of Eternal Love (no hint; I'm just saying).
Tichaona from The Four Seasons of Tichaona managed to win our Color Online quiz drawing despite our resident quiz champ, Jill weighing in regularly. What? C'mon, people, google and earn a chance to win great books. Quizzes post every Thursday and Saturday.
I hope you all are enjoying our Women Writers of Color Series. This week we feature Mayra Lazara Dole. She says Cubans are over-the-top. Little wonder we became fast friends. Check out Mayra's work and do leave comments. Share the love.
Speaking of sharing the love, Little Lov'n Monday has been sorely neglected. Please stop by Black-Eyed Susan's and drop a link. And do join us for CORA Diversity Roll Call. Ali's hosting and this assignment; we're spotlighting bloggers who provides us with the kind of diversity we value in our reading and in our lives.
Camile shared what football means to her, and I made an impassioned plea for readers to give a few good books a new home. Two great links for Color Me Brown. Feel free to send me links. Tomorrow check out our latest "What Do I Read Next?". Please submit requests for WDIRN and last but not least, we're back with New Crayons this evening. Share with us what you got in the mail, at the bookstore or on trade.
Have a great week and happy reading.
sending good vibes! and just recycle the books, girl--outdated volumes won't help anyone, and recycling's good for the environment (and your home!)
What a fabulous week you had! I tend to donate my gentle read books to Goodwill if I can't trade them for other used books. Have a great week.
You've had a busy week as always. I love the Women Writes of Color series.
Sending good vibes your way.
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