I heard nothing but great things about this 2009, fiction debut. This novel definitely lived up to the praise. Invisible Mountain is the story of three generations of Uruguayan women. Through Pajarita, Eva and Salome we also learn about the history and politics of Uruguay. The story begins with the birth, disappearance and reapperance of baby Pajarita.
As a married woman, Pajarita calls Montevido, the captial of Uruguay home. The miracle and magical element of Pajarita's beginnings set the tone for her daughter and granddaughter. These were going to be very special women.
One of the many things that stood out for me is the beautiful language. Its had a musical quality to it.
"Montevideo was unspun wool, full of rough billows, gray mazes, raw promise. Monte. Vide. Eu. I see a mountain, one of the first Europeans to sight this land said. Pajarita had never seen a mountain, but even she could tell there were none here. This city had no slopes. No, that was not true: its ground lay flat, but buildings pushed up everywhere, gathering their height into the sky. If only she could be a bird in more than name she'd soar above the city and then what would she see?"
Pajarita, Eva and Salome are wonderful characters. They are equal amounts strength and softness. Its was a pleasure to lose myself in their stories. Especially, Salome's who becomes active in Uruguay's 1960's revolution. At one point I found myself crying so hard I was choking. Though, it was an everything is going to be alright cry. The politics of the country and Salome's story go hand in hand.
The paperback edition of The Invisible Mountain was released today.
I haven't read this, but have heard good things. however, the original hardback cover art is SO MUCH better than the paperback!
Gerbera - I like the look of hardcover better as well.
The paperback cover is nice enough. I think it will get readers to stop and check out the book. Especially readers who love historical fiction.
There are some nice blurbs on the front cover as well.
One is from Elle magazine, the other O magazine.
The Invisible Mountain is a great story which ever edition you read.
This book definitely calls my attention. Thanks for telling us about it. I'll put it on my must read list!
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