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Thanks Niranjana. Visit Vandana Singh's site
Visit Niranjana at Brown Paper.
One reviewer wrote, "her fiction is not so much about India as it is about estrangement."This prolific speculative and science fiction writer has multiple short fiction, children's lit and poetry to her credit. Currently she resides in Massachusetts. Who is she? Please provide a link if you can.
Damned if I know...I dont think its mercedes lackey or charlaine harris and Im pretty sure it aint j.k. rowling...Laurel k. hamilton ?
Hi Reverend,
Okay, even when guessing you have to use some deductive reasoning. This space is Color Online. We promote women writers of color. The quote references India. We just did a meme on people of color in science fiction.
Where are the sci fi readers or those of you who at least checked out Diversity Roll Call?
Vandana Singh, I think?
Oh, and please enter me for the prize draw! My blog Brown Paper is at http://niranjana.wordpress.com
My email address is Niranjana(dot)Iyer(at)gmail.com
Here's a link to Vandana Singh's page: http://users.rcn.com/singhvan/
Thank you, Niranjana.
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