Many of you know I run a community library at a local nonprofit, Alternatives for Girls. We have a great collection. Our women's studies collection would impress academics and women studies majors and our youth collection is chock full of work by women about girls and women of color which reflects the community we serve. We have a solid collection of multicultural literature because our girls need to know the world is larger than the city boundaries. Still, there are areas I struggle to fill: new releases in children's and YA literature, graphic novels, comics and biographies.
Our summer, Rise -N- Shine program for elementary and middle school girls begins the end of June so this is the best time to run our book drive. Please consider purchasing a title for us from our wishlist at Powell's Books. We also love gently used books. And in the economic times, some of you may want to give but can't. It would be huge help if you would blog about our drive and leave a link to our wish list on your sidebar between now and July 1.
To send donations directly, mail books media rate to:
We thank you in advance for your support. If you have any questions, please contact me at cora_litgroup@yahoo.com
I'm on it! Will try to get you a signed copy of Shadra's latest book, Our Children Can Soar...and I posted on my blog and on Facebook...
You give and give. I can't thank you enough.
How wonderful. Leaving a link in the sidebar.
How wonderful! I just sent you 2 copies of Home Girls Make Some Noise (from Powell's). They should arrive by June 12.
Hope you have a great summer reading program.
Thank you, Madama Ambi. We appreciate your donation and support.
I will put together a box of graphic novels and send it your way, and definitely help spread the word.
largehearted boy, thank you so much. Graphic novels and comics are a challenge for me. I appreciate you spreading the word, too. That goes a long way.
Will be tweeting about this and sending books your way!
Hey Susan!
I've challenged folks over on my blog to post what they're donating. For every two titles posted, I'll be buying you another book! Gimmicky, yeah, but it's for a great cause!
This is a wonderful project, Susan. I'll be donating and publicizing it on my blog.
This is wonderful, I'll see what I can donate. I posted it on my sidebar.
Fantastic! Best wishes with the book drive. I found the link from readergirlz, and I'm sharing the link with others now.
Thank you, all. LW we've talked poetry and can I be bold and say with your readergrlz connection, I'm convinced you have a few ARC's, we'd love to have.
Appreciate the links and donations. I'd like to emphasize that new is great but so is gently used. We'd love to help you make space on your bookshelves.
Dear donors,
Please let me know if the site doesn't update when you make purchases or if you are sending books but not through Powell's so I can manually update our wish list.
Thank you,
is it okay if I use your organization as part of my 48 hr Book Challenge this weekend? I'm going to ask people to donate an amount equal to how much I can read/review during the weekend. This will be used to buy books off your wishlist.
I just ordered the Coraline graphic novel (because those button eyes are SO creepy), Down to the Bone, and If You Come Softly. Heard about this through Guys Lit Wire. Best of luck!!!
Dear Color Online,
I stumbled on this blog when non-Detroiter friends of mine sent me the link to this post. I live near AFG and I work on the Allied Media Conference (July 17th in Detroit - alliedmediaconference.org). I think it's something you would be very interested in, if you haven't already been. I organize the INCITE! Women of Color Media track of sessions, and am interested in recruiting a delegation from AFG to attend the conference. There will also be a June 30th event in support of the AMC at Elements Gallery for Detroit women using our art and skills to speak out against violence which we'd love anyone and everyone from AFG to come out to.
Feel free to email me at nadia(at)alliedmediaconference(dot)org
Thank you,
I put on Facebook & Twitter this a.m. Hope you get tons of donations!
Thanks Carleen,
I'm trying to place an order from your Powell's wish list and I'm stuck because I need the ship to address with a name, etc. What should I use? Thanks!
For future reference our address is permanently listed in our sidebar.
Thanks, Lisa.
Figured it out! Books on their way :)
All donors,
Powell's currently is unable to show addres. Please copy from here or you can call/write them. As long as you know our e-mail address which you need to pull up our wish list, they'll give you our address.
E-mail: cora_litgroup@yahoo.com
I just sent Tanita Davis's new book, Mare's War, which will be released June 9th. What a great project!
Just sent a copy of Tracking Trash: Flotsam, Jetsam, and the Science of Ocean Motion (Scientists in the Field) from Powell's. Because girls aren't encouraged enough to become scientists and b/c we all have to learn how to take better care of mother earth. :-)
Sara and M,
Thank you so much!
I've posted on my blog and put a link on my sidebar. I'll make my donation over the weekend. I'm so happy to be able to contribute!
Hi Gwen,
Thanks for the donation and the link!
Update on the wish list:
If you look at our wish list, it doesn't look like we're doing so well.In terms of listed books, I'm sure they're on the way and updating Powell's is tricky. I have to do it manually so if you've ordered something but not through Powell's or it didn't register, please let me know.
Mail is coming in and we are truly grateful. I'm compiling a list of thank you notes now.
To all of you who have sent books, tweeted and blogged about our drive, thank you.
To all of you who believe in literacy and are doing your part to open worlds to our children, thank you.
To all you literacy advocates who work behind the scenes facing apathy or resistance, thank you. When I feel defeated, I think about how hard you work. If you can keep going so can I. You set the bar I want to reach.
To all of you who read here, comment here, feel you get something from this space, thank you.
A Maze Me: Poems for Girls
by Naomi Shihab
is headed your way from Powell's.
I'm glad you enjoyed my post on Sarah Remond at The Write Sisters blog!
Hi Diane,
Oh, the Redmond post is what Color Online is about. I also read your post about your grand daughter. That was beautiful.
Thank you for the poetry. I love the collection.
We processed more donations today. We received several boxes containing some really good titles, and many are from our wish list.
Powell's has some kinds with its wish list processing so I will have to manually mark some of the books we received.
Thank you all.
I'm the author of the post about Sarah Remond, but my fellow Write Sister, Muriel, wrote the one about her granddaughter.
I posted about your project today on my other blog, Random Noodling.
Thanks, Diane.
I will share information about your book drive with my blog readers. Keep doin' what u do!
peace, Villager
I sent of a sizable box of books last week - please let me not that u received them! Onward and Upward!
Bernice McFadden
I was just going to write a Dear Ms. B post!!! I didn't recognize the initials but let me tell you I was almost dizzy from my happy dance. Sizeable?! Folks, Bernice sent a box 20+) of just what our community loves. Oh, and she put in some literary gems for me, too.
Thank you especially for your book, Sugar. One is proudly displayed on our shelf and one in our prize bucket.
I unpacked the box today before driving into work.Over the phone, I helped my assistant sort and catalog them. She told me some of the books were signed but she didn't tell me it was you.
Maude, it was a good day. Thank you, Bernice. Truly.
I've just ordered a copy of Talking Turkeys by Benjamin Zephaniah, which should now be winging its way to you from the UK - I noticed it was unavailable on your Powells wishlist... so hopefully you can now remove it from the list. As it happens, Sally blogged about it on PaperTigers earlier this month for Poetry Friday - http://www.papertigers.org/wordpress/poetry-friday-talking-turkeys/
I don't know what happened in that previous message - so sorry about the mysterious M!
Sounds like a wonderful program! I'm putting a copy of CORA COOKS PANCIT in the mail for you today, will bypass the Powell's site. Just letting you know!
Thank you, Renee. I'll follow up with you when it arrives.
My donation should be on its way soon! Hope it helps!
Donna, every gift counts. Thank you very much.
Madame Ambi,
We got the books. Thank you!
Thanks Summer!
We unpacked, cataloged and shelved your donations today.
I'm packing a box of paperbacks for you today. I'll tweet a link to this post too. Thanks for all you do. You are making a difference and making the world a better place. Rock on!
Thanks Andromeda,
I'm trying. I can do what I do because of others like you.
We're in the home stretch. Thank you all for donating.
Well, despite posting about the book drive on my blog and putting your links in my sidebar, I got not a single soul to donate ... but I have managed to scrape together a little money of my own and a box of books will be on the way to you soon. Had to go with the cheapest shipping method, so it may take a couple of weeks to reach you. Sorry I couldn't give more or drum up a little more support, but I hope you made out like a bandit this month!
Hi GirlG,
Times are hard for many folks. I'm in Michigan. I know they are. Media rate is cheap and it doesn't take long at all.
I really appreciate for effort and donation.
Hi GirlG,
Times are hard for many folks. I'm in Michigan. I know they are. Media rate is cheap and it doesn't take long at all.
I really appreciate for effort and donation.
Diane, M and Rene,
Got your donations. Thank you.
Friends, we had a death in the family. Won't be posting much.
Know that we appreciate your gifts to the library.
Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers.
More packages came in today. Thanks to our anonymous donors. Wish you included your names but you know who you are and we are grateful.
Thanks to Steph at Steph Su Reads. Steph is a great reviewer and clearly knows what teens are reading. She sent a box of goodies. Some will go on our shelves and others will be prizes.
Be sure to check out our New Crayons posts and The Sunday Salon, I also include some commentary on what's new in the library.
Amazing. Your post said July 1st, but i blogged it anyway. :D
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