I was born December 31, 1966 in Japan.
My website: http://hiromigoto.com and my blog is at: http://hiromigoto.com/blog
Genre: I'm rather genre fluid although my writing would fall under speculative. I write for both adult and youth audiences. My writing for youth tend to fall under fantasy, and my adult fiction falls into the mixed waters of slipstream. I also write some poetry and nonfiction.... I like to go to wherever my interests lead me rather than be locked in one specific genre.
WiP: I'm currently at work on Darkness, a companion novel to Half World, which was my latest work of fiction published with Viking USA in 2010.

Writing Credits: I've published three books for adults; Chorus of Mushrooms, The Kappa Child, and Hopeful Monsters. My novels for children/youth are The Water of Possibility, and Half World. My short stories have also be anthologized; some of them can be found in The Faery Reel and The Beastly Bride; Tales of the Animal People, as well as in journals like Ms Magazine and Nature.
How frequently do you update your site? I update my website whenever there's a note-worthy event. I try to blog regularly-- once a week, on various topics that can touch upon the writing life(s), gender, genre, writing strategies, the odd rant about a film, suggested book titles, nature outings, etc! Folks can comment on the blog posts and I try my best to respond.
Post of Note: I blogged about Bad Voice on December 6, 2010. Bad Voice is a debilitating force in almost everyone's life, and it certainly affects me as a writer. I'd love it if folks read that post and dropped me a note on their own experiences with Bad Voice.
Your YA fantasy debut, Half World has no romance in it. Were you anxious at all about how it would be received since it would seem that YA needs a little romance?

How did you come up with the idea of the Half World, the realm of Flesh and the Realm of Spirit? Three very different and creative worlds?
The concept of the Three Realms was developed out of various world mythologies and religious beliefs of our life on earth, and the afterlife. I was also influenced by Bosch's famous triptych, The Garden of Earthly Delights, as well as Frida Kahlo's numerous self-portraits. I was also trying to puzzle out the cyclical nature of suffering in our lives. The broader questions of existance-- why do humans continue to cause suffering? Why can't we stop killing? Something is wrong, here.... What is it? A lot of my stories come out of posing questions.
Top Five Reads for 2011:
Pulse, by Lydia Kwa, Breathing the Page: Reading the Act of Writing by Betsy Warland, Baba Yaga Laid an Egg by Dubravka Ugresic, Tropic of Orange by Karen Tei Yamashita, Sag Harbor by Colson Whitehead.
100 words or less how would you describe your work?
I'd describe my writing as edgy, vivid, feminist, racialized, queer-positive. Half World is fantasy bordering sometimes upon the horrific, but my writing can also be cheeky and humorous. Particularly my novels for adults. If writers were to be compared to animals, to herbivores and carnivores, than I'm an omnivore. I'm a crow of a writer. Or a raccoon....
100 words or less please share your thoughts on being a woman writer of color.
I'm a woman of colour writing out of North America. I'm an immigrant living on colonized land. This awareness effects, absolutely, how I write, because I'm not writing out of a historical vacuum. In literary historical terms, the writings of women of colour and indigenous women has not been widely published in North America for so very long. I'm talking about air time. It's been dominated by white male writers, and when I look at the winners of major literary prizes, it still veers toward them. This tells me something about long-term systemic racism and sexism. I believe that it's still vital and necessary, for the good of all, that diverse and politicized women of colour and indigenous women writers continue to roar, take up space, and challenge the normative. That readers need, and are hungry for, diverse stories. Sometimes our bodies and minds are starving for other stories, but we do not know it, because we are full-up on Wonderbread.
Thank you so much for the interview Hiromi! I for one, am tired of Wonderbread and mcNuggets as well. I really admire the fact that Half World focuses on a mother-daughter relationship instead of a romance. I also love that it's helping to fill in the huge gap of fantasy about people of color.
YAY! I LOVED Half World; it reminded me of unexplored worlds, and all the best adventure books I've ever read. Can't wait to read her next book.
Thanks for this awesome interview--I'm heading to the library now and have new ideas for Xmas gifts...
Now I can't wait to read Half World.
Thanks for this great interview Ari
And thanks to Hiromi Goto for agreeing to take up a little space at Color Online. Come back anytime.
@Tanita-If this interview and the summary had not already assured me that I would like this book, your praise and enthusiasm for the book completley seals the deal :)
@Zetta-Ooo I'm so happy to hear that! I'm starting Half World soon
@Doret-It sounds like something you might really like.
Don't thank me, all thanks go to Hiromi, a wonderful interviewee (is that a word? haha).
Thank you so much Hiromi and I second Doret's statement, feel free to come back anytime =D
This is an awesome interview. HALF WORLD is available in the Philippines. I should buy it soon. The three different worlds sound very interesting.
Thank you, everyone, for the warm welcome. I'm so excited to have found this site and e-met you! So lucky! I'll definitely be back, and I'll visit often! ~__~
What an interesting, refreshing interview!
It's very nice to know that Hiromi Goto is a talented lady and a professional writer, leaving an indelible mark with her literary prowess. Because I am also a writer and working for a ghostwriting agency for 5 years, I am impressed by her skills of writing. Her work reflects a depth of skill that captivates readers, showcasing a unique blend of creativity and professionalism. Hope you will continue this great work.
I have read these adult books a lot. At some point, I really got caught by the way they are written, by professionally I'm working on the eBook ghostwriting company where I got content to lot's of professional ghostwriters so I can understand who is behind.
I liked the idea of adults and youth mixing and making fantasy stories to attract both age groups and the idea is fantastic and I loved it. I have used the ghost writing agency to write a book like this and they did a great job.
Hiromi Goto's work in WWOC is truly inspiring, showcasing powerful storytelling that resonates deeply. I admire her ability to weave cultural themes with rich narratives. Reading her stories with a cup of tea and my stainless steel water bottles by my side makes the experience even more enjoyable!
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