I had knee surgery week before last and it went well. Follow-up was Friday. The doctor and I came to a compromise. I'll take it easy for another week and start physical therapy and he signed off for me to return to work the beginning of August. Some of you know I've been actively trying to lose weight. Folks, obesity kills. I'm happy to share I'm 17.8 lbs lighter. I believe I can heal and it's been a long time coming.
Open discussion. Call or write someone you haven't talked to in awhile. There are three young women I plan to tell I love today including a much loved goddaughter.
I hope everything goes well for you. I think I will call and write a few people I haven't spoken to for awhile. Everyone loves a handwritten letter in the mail! Have a good week and take care of yourself.
Oh, handwritten letters are rare treasures these days!
Have a wonderful day.
Here's my salon:
Great James Taylor song ... and a good reminder, too. A longtime friend and I mostly communicate via Facebook these days (after years of letter-writing). She just broke her ankle, so a handwritten card will soon be on its way to her.
Best wishes for your healing, too.
James Taylor rocks. You sound like you're getting to a good place; I hope your knee heels well and you don't push yourself too hard.
Hang in there. I had knee surgery some time ago and I know how painful it can be. Feel better soon. :)
Hope you have a fast and healthy recovery.
This is a great idea! I think I will write someone a letter...
Listen to your doctor!!! My husband had knee surgery 6 years ago and didn't listen. He carried the cane instead of using it. I walked on his leg way before he was supposed to. He did the excercises, but pushed himself too much and to this day his knee still hurts. Might as well NOT have had the surgery. So, take it easy and let the surgery do it's job. :)
Hey! Congratulations, you!
I will take your advice and pull out pen and ink and write someone a letter. Happy week - and thanks for the song.
thanks for the information on this blog! I find it very interesting and entertaining! hopefully soon have updates that I love your post! I thank you too!
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I've been home almost 7weeks. Rarely left the house. I've been under house arrest. PT is going well. I'm only doing PT prescribed leg/knee exercises. I do upper body sitting. I don't want to lose anymore time so I'm doing as told. Thanks.
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